Once upon a time.
Once upon a time, on a small village, there lived a young man, like many others. Starvation was knocking on everyone's door, but he decided to challenge adversity. Alone, with his hands working together, no machinery. He went to the local Craftsman and showed him is work: beautiful handcrafted boots. "Keep doing your work young man. The boots are perfectly made.", said the Craftsman, asserting the excellence of the product. In the following week the young Mendes went to the local market and sold all the boots made. That day would become the beginning of a legacy.
On the following years the business started to grow, and more than 20 men were now working on his workshop, including his son Joseph who left school with just twelve years old. Knowledge and passion being passed from father to son. But after some time, the handmade shoes of this
Once upon a time.
Once upon a time, on a small village, there lived a young man, like many others. Starvation was knocking on everyone's door, but he decided to challenge adversity. Alone, with his hands working together, no machinery. He went to the local Craftsman and showed him is work: beautiful handcrafted boots. "Keep doing your work young man. The boots are perfectly made.", said the Craftsman, asserting the excellence of the product. In the following week the young Mendes went to the local market and sold all the boots made. That day would become the beginning of a legacy.
On the following years the business started to grow, and more than 20 men were now working on his workshop, including his son Joseph who left school with just twelve years old. Knowledge and passion being passed from father to son. But after some time, the handmade shoes of this
family were now competing with industrial made shoes. The decision of closing the workshop was taken, yet keeping the selling business on local markets.
The last days of Mr. Mendes were spent with his two young grandsons before passing away. An extraordinary journey of work, dedication and integrity that changed the lives of many others.
The grandsons of Mr. Mendes followed different paths: the older remained in the selling business with two shoe stores and the younger started working in telecommunications. “But sometimes a person meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. “ After reading an article about the story of Red Bull, a new world began to emerge. The words “it’s not a drink, it’s a way of life”, started to echo in the mind of the youngest. Despite having a strong background in a completely different field (maths, physics, electronics) and with a decade of experience, he decided to take a shot. A Post- Graduation in Branding and Brand Management opened a total new range of possibilities. However, one thing was missing: an idea to implement, a product to sell.
family were now competing with industrial made shoes. The decision of closing the workshop was taken, yet keeping the selling business on local markets.
The last days of Mr. Mendes were spent with his two young grandsons before passing away. An extraordinary journey of work, dedication and integrity that changed the lives of many others.
The grandsons of Mr. Mendes followed different paths: the older remained in the selling business with two shoe stores and the younger started working in telecommunications. “But sometimes a person meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. “ After reading an article about the story of Red Bull, a new world began to emerge. The words “it’s not a drink, it’s a way of life”, started to echo in the mind of the youngest. Despite having a strong background in a completely different field (maths, physics, electronics) and with a decade of experience, he decided to take a shot. A Post- Graduation in Branding and Brand Management opened a total new range of possibilities. However, one thing was missing: an idea to implement, a product to sell.
He always thought that his grandfather’s old workshop would be the perfect place for a small restaurant. A place where you could go back in time. So, he went there with his father to take some photos. It had been over a decade since the last time he entered there. The sewing machines, the old wooden shoe forms and even Mr. Mendes old hand tools. All intact. And when they were about to leave, he noticed on a particular wicker basket. After pulling some old stuff he saw something different on the bottom: a very old leather boot. His father approached him, and said: “Son, it was made by your Grandfather 50 years ago”.
In that moment everything became clear. One hundred years later, the legacy was being handed over again. A lifetime journey hidden in time. And it was always there, waiting to be found.
He always thought that his grandfather’s old workshop would be the perfect place for a small restaurant. A place where you could go back in time. So, he went there with his father to take some photos. It had been over a decade since the last time he entered there. The sewing machines, the old wooden shoe forms and even Mr. Mendes old hand tools. All intact. And when they were about to leave, he noticed on a particular wicker basket. After pulling some old stuff he saw something different on the bottom: a very old leather boot. His father approached him, and said: “Son, it was made by your Grandfather 50 years ago”.
In that moment everything became clear. One hundred years later, the legacy was being handed over again. A lifetime journey hidden in time. And it was always there, waiting to be found.